Little Elm Child Custody Lawyer

Attorney for Custody of Children in Divorce and Family Law Cases in Little Elm, Texas
When married parents choose to get a divorce, issues related to child custody will usually be some of their primary concerns. However, there are other cases where child-related issues may need to be addressed in family court, including situations where unmarried parents may need to establish parental rights or where parents may need to address claims that children have experienced or witnessed abuse. In any case that may affect a parent's ability to maintain custody of their children, it is crucial to work with a lawyer who can help parents protect their rights and address their children's best interests.
The Law Office of Linda Risinger understands the importance of positive parent/child relationships, and we are dedicated to helping families resolve child custody issues in a way that minimizes the negative effects on everyone involved. With over 30 years of experience in family law matters, we know the best ways to address legal concerns related to child custody, and we can help you take the right steps to resolve disputes, protect your rights, and make sure your children will be safe and healthy.
Family Law Issues Related to Child Custody in Little Elm
During a divorce case, parents will need to determine how they will work together to make decisions about raising their children. The right to make these types of decisions is commonly known as "legal custody," although the state of Texas uses the term "joint managing conservatorship" to describe situations in which parents have equal amounts of decision-making responsibility. It is usually presumed that parents should share legal custody, although there may be some situations where a court may determine that these responsibilities should be solely allocated to one parent.
Parents will also need to address "physical custody" of their children, which is also known as "physical possession" or "visitation." One parent will be named the custodial parent and given the right to determine the children's primary residence. The non-custodial parent will have the right to spend reasonable amounts of visitation time with the children. While a standard possession order will provide a minimum amount of time that children will live with the non-custodial parent, the parties may agree on other arrangements, such as schedules in which children spend equal amounts of time with each parent. A schedule for physical possession should also specify where children will stay on holidays or during school vacations, and parents will also need to address issues such as transportation arrangements for children, when and how parents will communicate with children, and any other rules that parents will follow.
When addressing matters related to child custody, we can ensure that parents understand their rights and options. We can help fathers protect their rights in these cases, and we can also address situations where a parent's rehabilitation for substance abuse will affect the custody of their children. We work with parents who have an existing child custody order to determine how to address plans for parental relocation. We can also provide legal help with cases involving domestic violence, including representing parents who are being investigated by Child Protective Services due to reports that a child may have been abused or neglected.
Contact Our Little Elm, TX Child Custody Attorney
It is important to make sure matters related to your parental rights and the custody of your children are addressed correctly. At the Law Office of Linda Risinger, we can answer your questions about these issues, explain your rights and the procedures that will be followed in family court, and provide you with legal representation throughout the legal process. To arrange a complimentary consultation, contact us by calling our office at 972-294-6533.